Sunday 15 July 2012

How to make a larp boffer javelin MK 1 a.k.a. Babby's first throwing spear

Right! The mark one boffer larp javelin passed both passive and live firing tests and I'm ready to present the model to the world. Mind you this is only MK 1, and I already have ideas on improvement based on my findings but they will be tested out later on. Photos from the live test can be found here.

But why javelins? And why designed like this? Well, javelins are a tried and tested weapon and very under represented in LARPs and boffer tags. After using them yesterday I'd say "Your loss!". Javelins have a fair amount of advantages. They fly best from all types of throwing weapons, they can fly at a high angle, effectively falling ontop of whoever's hiding behind a shield wall,  they can be used as a decent stabbing weapon themselves if need be. Sure a bow or crossbow is still the best ranged weapon on a larp battlefield, but your stack of javelins takes only one hand to throw so you can have a shield or weapon in the other hand.
They also take some practice before you learn how to throw properly but you can get the hang of it in an hour or two.

Now, why I designed them with a core? Well I've seen coreless javelins made only  with foam and they were...not impressive. If that's an issue with you, well don't follow my design.

Now - larp boffer throwing spears or javelins it is!

Budget: 10-15$ but you'd want to make a batch of em so the price would drop to 5-6 $ a piece.

Materials: Polypropylene pipe - thinnest possible(F20 for me), pipe insulation foam, tapes, wood texture wallpaper, some big nails.

Tools: just scissors and paper knife.

Let's get going then. Materials and tools are assembled.

 We start with securing same calibre pipe insulation foam on top of the pipe we are using for core.

After that make a counter weight like this one and hammer it into the front end of the pipe until its immovable.

We need to tip the balance forwards here, so that the spear would fall on its head as it should be.
 Then cover the counter weight with a plastic bottle cap and secure it with tape.

Then, we wrap the shaft with the wood texture wallpaper. Time to handle the two ends of the spear.

Now its time to secure the rear end of the javelin. This is done simply as a precaution - on hit the spear will bounce off and the rear end may strike someone in the face. 

Then we make the head of the javelin. Now, considering its a long range throwing weapon, and it often falls on high trajectory, I decided that unfortunately -a normal spear head will be a bad idea for safety reasons, So I simply cushioned it as if it was an arrow, except that instead of the usual 2-3 layers of foam used in arrows, I placed a total of 5.

 First layer of foam is placed...
Then another 4 layers and we are ready for aluminium foil tape. After that, we are done.

 But of course, when making javelins the question is, why stop at one? They are volley weapons after all, and even if you use them yourself you'd still want more than just one - make a whole stack of javelins and then call it a day.


  1. You missed the part where you talk about where you put the nail. I'm guessing that's the counterweight?

  2. Also the length of the pipe?
